So before tomorrow I guess I should catch up a little.
First a huge THANKS to everyone who helped with the fundraisers for Beatrice! Not only were we able to raise over $2,000 but Sweet B has a committed family coming to her rescue! Hopefully she will be safe at home in Mama's arms this summer. They still have a ways to go so keep them in your prayers. I'm going to leave the link on my blog (ok, partially because I had to get someone else to add it and I have no idea how to take it off ;)) so if you feel led please continue to support them. Adoption is expensive but these children are in desparate need. You have been called to help and if you can't adopt please give!
Here is the link to her amazing family's blog if you'd like to follow their journey.
and second....a little bit of Christmas! This year we were able to visit Grandpa Don and Grandma Gail in Virginia. It was beautiful and we had a great time
The kids got to meet their new little cousin Lilly
We got to see some SNOW!
It was wonderful!
Of course the trip home....well, it will always be a great story
Our flight was extended by an hour because of weather. Normally no big deal but there was this baby...
I'm pretty relaxed with noise. I'm used to crying and I completely understand how hard traveling is on a little one but this was crazy! Literally 4 hours of non stop screaming. I was so impressed by the kindness and patience of everyone on that plane. It was truly remarkable. Still it was a great relief when we landed. We got our bags and waited for the car seat...and waited...and waited. Finally Jacob pulled the car up and me and the kids loaded while he when to figure out where the car seat was. I loaded the last bag and closed the back hatch...and it popped right back open. It was broken. Would not latch. So here we are parked at the airport pickup, 30 degrees freezing, back door open and Jacob comes with the news that our carseat never made it on the plane! He decided to work on the door while the airport found us a loaner seat. Unfortunately the key he used to try and fix the door was also the one needed to start the car and it BROKE! At this point we had to just laugh and face the fact that we would never leave that airport! We made the most of it. Ate a delicious vending machine dinner, bundled up in our freezing van and watched movies on the IPad while we waited for my awesome dad to come to our rescue.
We also enjoyed some much needed playtime with our California cousins. Kristy and I even managed to get a few hours away and discovered these FRIED AVOCADOS!
We had our annual group anniversary date (minus Hannah and Daniel who were home with their new Bundle)
A night out with the sisters
And finally our own little family Christmas. Melody has turned popstar
And the family gift was the best gift ever. They have not gone a day without a Nerf war since!
In other news Caleb is now only referring to himself as BatBaby
After Christmas we were able to Celebrate Sweet Sister's 5th Birthday. Praying she'll be here with us for #6!